Communication Course Offerings
Major Requirements
Students who major in Communication take a total of 24 units of required courses (seven courses) and fifteen units of electives (usually 4 courses). Four courses are shared between the concentrations, and the remaining 15 units plus the capstone course are unique to each concentration.
Minor Requirements
Students who minor in Communication choose between 2 100-level courses, take communication theory (two classes), and take 12 units of electives (usually three classes).
Spring 2025 Communication Courses
COMM 102-01 - Intro to Media & Cultural Studies (4 units)
TTh 11:40-1:20: Scott Schonfeldt-Aultman
COMM 103 -01 - Intro to Human Communication (4 units)
TTh 8:00-9:40: Neeley Silberman
COMM 110-01 - Rhetoric & Public Discourse (3 units)
MW 9:15-10:30: Geetika Jain
COMM 200-01 - Communication Theory (3 units)
MW 9:15-10:30: David Benin
COMM 310-01 - Quantitative Methods (4 units)
MW 1:30-3:10: Veronica Hefner
COMM 317-01 - Public Relations (4 units)
MW 1:30-3:10: David Benin
COMM 318-01 - Communication Policy & Law (4 units)
MWF 10:40-11:45: Ellen Rigsby
COMM 323-01 - American Journalism (4 units)
MWF 12:05-1:20: Nolan Higdon
COMM 325-01 - Media, Technologies, & Culture (4 units)
TTh 9:50-11:30: Samantha Joyce
COMM 325-02 - Media, Tehnologies, & Culture (4 units)
TTh 9:50-11:30: Daniel Smith-Rowsey
COMM 390-01 - Collegian (Newspaper) Advisor (1 unit)
TBD: Nolan Higdon
COMM 390-02 - KSMC (Radio) Advisor (1 unit)
TBD: David Benin
COMM 458-01 - Topics in Film: Brazilian Film (4 units)
TTh 8:00-9:40: Samantha Joyce
COMM 461/COMM 461 EL-01 - Communication & Social Justice: Drag (4 units)
TTh 9:50-11:30: Scott Schonfeldt-Aultman
COMM 495-01/02/03 - Internship (1-3 units)
TBD: Ginny Prior
COMM 491-01 - Capstone (Senior Thesis): Communication Strategist (4 units)
MWF 12:05-1:10: Veronica Hefner
COMM 496-01 - Capstone (Senior Thesis): Media Maker (3 units) (plus 1 supplemental credit)
MW 12:05-1:20: Jason Jakaitis
COMM 496-02 - Capstone (Senior Thesis) (3 units) (plus 1 supplemental credit)
MW 12:05-1:20: David Benin
COMM 518-01 (for current Grad students) and COMM 518-02 (for current undergrads)- Communication Policy & Law (4 units)
MWF 10:40-11:45: Ellen Rigsby
COMM 558-01 (for current Grad students) and COMM 558-02 (for current undergrads) - Topics In Film: Brazilian Film (4 units)
TTh 8:00-9:40: Samantha Joyce
COMM 561-01 (for current Grad students) and COMM 561-02 (for current undergrads) - Communication & Social Justice: Drag (4 units)
TTh 9:50-11:30: Scott Schonfeldt-Aultman
COMM 602-01 - Strategic Mediated Communication (4 units)
MWF 9:15-10:20: Veronica Hefner
COMM 607-01 - Applied Research Analysis (4 units)
MW 1:30-3:10: Benjamin Compton
Fall 2025 Communication Courses
(preliminary list, subject to change)
We will update this soon!